Donate Food and Supplies

Will YOU help Fayette County Animal Rescue care for abandoned and neglected dogs and cats?
You can help us save more cats and dogs by visiting our Amazon Wish List today! With just a few clicks you can order food and supplies and have them shipped directly to our shelter, often with no shipping charges. Or purchase items locally and contact us to drop them off at our shelter.
Have questions about donating? Please contact us at
We can always use:
Pooper Scoopers (Large) Preferred brand click here
Collars (all sizes) & Leashes (6 foot)
Dasuquin with MSM (any size)
Canned Kitten Food (any brand)
Iams Dry Kitten Food
DNA Wisdom Panel for dogs
Garbage bags (13 gallon)
Fortiflora (canine and feline)
Large Dog Houses (Igloo preferred)
Mop heads (colored, not white)
HP952XL & HP952 Ink Cartridges
Vectra (all sizes)
Postage Stamps
Straw (winter)
Gift cards (TSC, Walmart, Amazon, Hollywood Feed, Home Depot)
**Biggest Need!
*Please include a gift receipt if possible with donations in case we need to exchange an item.